Spicy Wednesday: Herbs and spices for affordable wellness

Spicy Wednesday: Herbs and spices for affordable wellness

Published: 12-Jun-2020 Category: We Are What We Eat

Tags: KitchenPharmacy, Ginger, Nutmeg, Basil, Black Pepper
By Ashok Vasudevan

We are all keeping our fingers crossed & rooting for frontliners in this battle to find a vaccine quickly. And even as we debate hydroxychloroquine & BCG, we at CSAW continue our journey through the kitchen, looking for simple solutions to affordable wellness. Join us today on a Herbs and Spice Route!

Black Pepper: The 'King of Spices'

Black Pepper has several antiviral and antibacterial properties. It is a natural expectorant and decongestant. For many kinds of cough- dry, phlegm, bronchitis, pneumonia, or asthmatic try this: To 2/3rd of a Tbsp of honey, add _ teaspoon of fresh finely crushed pepper. Slurp! Don't eat or drink anything for the next 30 minutes.

Basil aka Tulsi means the 'Incomparable one'

Italian and Thai Basil are tasty, healthy addition to recipes. Holy Basil is a powerful adaptogen. Adaptogens are herbs that are stress busters (physical, chemical & biological). Use it in cooking, infuse in hot water as herbal tea, or simply chew a couple of leaves everyday. Adaptogens work slowly, but they do work. You will feel less stressed.

Ginger: The Gutsy everyday superstar in your kitchen

It's difficult to overstate the goodness in Ginger. Its benefits are broad and deep. Ginger aids digestion, reduces nausea, increases bile production, helps GI tract motility, and more. Add grated ginger to salads, soups, teas, or in your cooking. But don't go overboard. Consumer gingerly!

Nutmeg & Mace: Fraternal twins from the same tree!

Did you know we get two spices from the same tree?! Nutmeg is the oval-shaped fruit, and Mace is the fibrous red covering of the fruit, which, when dried and powdered, gives you the familiar sight in your kitchen. Nutmeg lends a bit more sweetness to recipes while Mace also lends color. The oils are used by the pharma industry and exist in several cough syrups.

Meditation: Relax. Reflect. Refresh

We may or may not realize it, but for many of us, life has changed or will change forever. Not all for the worse. Not all for the better. Time to sit still for 10 minutes daily. Eyes closed. Shoulders relaxed. Conscious breathing. Reflect. Relax. Refresh.