Veggie Thursday: Eat the rainbow of vegetables

Veggie Thursday: Eat the rainbow of vegetables

Published: 12-Jun-2020 Category: We Are What We Eat

Tags: Goodness Of Vegetables, Lemon, Moringa, Drumstick, Cabbage, Broccoli, Potato, Veggie Snack Bowl
By Ashok Vasudevan

We know about vitamins, minerals, and all the phytonutrient goodness in them, but we worry about lack of protein. Don't. Edamame, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Spinach, Avocado, Asparagus, and even the delectable Potatoes are good examples of proteins in vegetables. Eat the colors of the vegetable rainbow. There is a pot of gold at the end of it! CSAW continues the journey through the kitchen, looking for simple solutions to affordable wellness. So today, let's go vegetable shopping!

Lemon. A Haircare solution!

When life gives you a lemon, goes the saying 'Make Lemonade'! But there's more. A simple hair care solution in your kitchen! Dilute the juice of half a lemon with about 2 cups of water and use it as a post-shampoo rinse. Let sit for 2 minutes and wash out. Cleans scalp, Vit C nourishes hair follicles, fights dandruff.

Moringa aka Drumstick- the Miracle Tree

Moringa is a vegetable that grows on trees! It has been known for long to be anti-fungal, anti-viral, antidepressant & anti-inflammatory! Seed pods are the vegetable (yummy), and the leaves are nutrient-rich. When dried and powdered, the nutrient density skyrockets. For instance, they have more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk, and more Beta carotene than carrots! Really. Use in salads, smoothies, or generously add to your favorite recipes.

Cabbage, Kale, Broccoli: The 'CBK' troika

These fresh, crunchy, vegetables like Cabbage, Broccoli & Kale have proven to be very valuable friends of our gut microbiota. Apart from a plethora of benefits, they also have a phytochemical 'I3C' that helps regenerate the bowel surface, aid in reduced inflammation, and recent studies show their role in preventing prostate cancer. This troika is within your reach. Don't keep them at arm's length.

Potato: A guilty love affair!

Why do we love to hate potatoes, even as we love to eat them? Yes, they are calorie-dense. But how much? One medium potato is about 150 calories or 1/16th of our daily calorie intake. C'mon!! It has minerals crucial to bone health. Its Potassium reduces blood pressure naturally, its fiber-rich and a good source of Vitamin B6, etc. etc. So, let's genuflect before this royal tuber!

The Veggie Snack Bowl

Staying home, making you crave snacks? Resist the unhealthy processed kind. Each morning, chop up crunchy raw veggies in a bowl and set it in your fridge. Carrots, cucumbers, celery, cherry tomatoes, red/yellow/green peppers. Add some salt, pepper, lime juice & sprinkle your favorite herb just for fun!. Now, snack through the day!